The 2008 Zombie Walk was a blast. Thanks to Wendy & Krystel for make up assistance! This was a bit out of my comfort zone - I'm a known party pooper when it comes to Halloween costumes. It was a challenge coordinating being away from the home office for hours at a stretch during a big implementation weekend - I only got paged twice, once as the march began and once at the end. It took me out of character! Over the first call, I couldn't help straightening up and speaking formally into the phone - one of the two dozen photographers ran up to snap a pic of me in my 'genuine' moment. I haven't seen the pic turn up online anywheres, but there are still quite a few on Flickr.
As for character? Next year I need to figure out a different shambling gait. I would ram my left leg forward like I was putting a pickaxe to a glacier, then swing my right in an arc. Consequently, my left leg was sore and swollen for days. My growling drone was unconvincing, my attacks on civilians half-hearted. So many things I need to work on, but I'm excited for the next zombie event...
I went home between the walk and the afterhours activities - just making sure everyone in the office was getting what they needed. Zombie Karaoke was fun, just - well, I didn't know anyone. Gabbles & me were the only Z's there for awhile, and the only people singing. But eventually the dead came out; met some cool freaks and had a good time.